We would like to thank you for promoting the Joint 2019 Australasian Sexual Health and HIV&AIDS Conference. We have created this Digital Toolkit to help you get the most from your involvement in this year’s conference.
Australasian Sexual Health Conference
Don’t miss out on the premier Sexual Health Conference in Australia and the Asia and Pacific region! The Australasian Sexual Health Conference, 16 – 18 September 2019 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. Make sure you sign up to receive our newsletters and be the first to know when new announcements are made. Register Online Now! Early bird registration deadline is Sunday 30 June 2019. For more information visit the conference website http://www.shconference2019.com.au/
Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference
Don’t miss out on the premier Sexual Health and HIV Conference in Australia and the Asia and Pacific region! The Australasian Sexual Health Conference joint with The Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference, 16 – 19 September 2019 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. Make sure you sign up to receive our newsletters and be the first to know when new announcements are made. Register Online Now! Early bird registration deadline is Sunday 30 June 2019. For more information visit the conference website http://www.shconference2019.com.au/
The objectives of the Australasian Sexual Health and Australasian HIV&AIDS conferences are to:
1. Provide a forum for the workforce to keep up-to-date with research, clinical management, prevention, best practice and policy, including professional development and activities for relevant accreditation.
2. Develop a program that appeals to the multidisciplinary audience working in or interested in the sexual and reproductive health and Blood Borne Virus health sector and reflects the changing environment for the care and management of HIV, Hepatitis and STI.
3. Facilitate dialogue between researchers, community, government and clinicians across different geographic locations inside Australasia and from the region
4. Encourage the participation of
– new and early career clinicians, researchers, allied health and community members
– international leaders in the sector through grants and scholarships
– additional attendees through a scholarship program
– researchers and scientists working in the development of new STI and BBV therapies, investigations and other technical applications.
5. Disseminate knowledge and applied learning during and after the conference for wider audience education
6. Recognise and build sector leadership through awards and invited presentations
7. Ensure the conference delivers a budget surplus to support future initiatives
The conference logo or web banner displayed on your promotional material indicates your involvement in this Industry respected annual event. Please use the meeting logo or banner in emails, on your website, in your newsletter, in print advertising and other promotional materials.
When using our logo or banner online, please link back to www.shconference2019.com.au or www.hivaidsconference2019.com.au